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'tis the season

No, not jingle bells...and those bells that chime in hospitals when a baby is born. Is it just my friends or is everyone you know and their sister getting engaged, married, or pregnant?! I'm so happy for them, but it seriously makes me feel like my clock is ticking! I have a year and a half left in college and I'm beginning to feel left behind. Not that this is some sort of race, by any means; a better word would be pressured. All things white, pastel, and gold have consumed my Pinterest feed (along with precious baby photography) and the back of my mind and have had me pondering the recent question: "Am I where I should be?"

I know you college ladies know what I'm talking about. You've been in college for 3+ years, all of your friends have big plans, getting big-girl jobs, talking about marriage, and you're still scraping up change before you get to the Starbucks drive-thru window. I'm right there with you, girlfriend. But here's the truth: you are right where God wants you - and needs you - to be. Broke and all! Believe it or not, there is someone who still needs your encouragement and wisdom from where you are standing in life at this very moment. There is someone who needs to be reminded of their joy. Along with engagements and pregnancies of your friends come the lessons you'll learn after being by her side every step of the way...not to mention the parties you'll get to throw! I often feel like I'm stuck and that my next chapter is but remind myself that learning to be content with where I'm at in life is part of turning that chapter. Be at peace with where you are, knowing you are meant to be there and that you are a blessing to many. Trust me, there is a light at the end of your tunnel.

"Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well with my soul."

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